Sunday, June 7, 2009
2 fitness champions discus their secrets to their abs
Click here and Check out more information on the most sought out training guide on the planet.
Friday, June 5, 2009
killer tricep growing tips
To grow your triceps, I will tell you just a few workouts to get amazing triceps. The Tricep makes your arm look bigger because the muscle is larger than your bicep naturaly they make also help to make your arms appear larger. Well here are just a few exercises that will get the ball rolling on your tricep development.
The tricep has 2 basic jobs in movement .The first job is to straighten your arm. The second job in movement is to twist the wrist upward. The trice phase a 3 part muscle system giving it the name triceps .this muscle will held better results if it has stimulation is from more and different angles of this stimulation.
If you thinking about toning your triceps to get that great shape you always dreamt about you, it is highly recommended that you focus to build your triceps muscle mass and strength here are my top five exercises I recommend you fit into your gym session
My personal favourite is bench drips this is a highly valuable triceps workout, you may also want perform weighted dips for extra resistance.
This exercise is quite popular to help with the twisting movements of your triceps the behind neck dumbbell extensions
If you want to increase yours triceps muscles mass try doing lying triceps extensions and triceps presses
To tone and shape out your triceps and develop the outer head of your triceps muscles. Foot standing hammer curls into your excises. This is an exercise that I highly recommend. Use dumbbell kick backs to add some diversity to your triceps.
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Thursday, June 4, 2009
top 5 muscle stacking foods, eat big meals and get big muscles
top 5 muscle stacking foods, eat big meals and get big muscles fast
Author: Chris ShamFeeding your muscles is what you should do to increase your results your to make your muscle grow to its maximum potential. Most people that start to work out their muscles they normally believe if they just lift a few weights they are going to get the large muscles they want and this unfortunately is wrong. How do you expect your gold fish to grow if you don t feed it. So treat your muscle like your sexy little pets you have to love, care and nurture them with the correct muscle building foods, show them love, give them the helping hand to reach to out to their full potential
Here are my top 5 best muscle feeding foods eat fit these foods into your diet.
Olive oil this is very well known muscle growing food, so many researchers suggests that olive oil lowers rate of inflammation and generally improves recovery. Olive oil produces a chemical that acts as a hormone that helps support your testosterone levels. Olive oil also contains all the great healthy fats you need.
Yogurt, get hold of either low fat or full milk based yogurt. Yogurt contains live active cultures of bacteria the good kind. These bacteria pass through your tummy to your gastrointestinal tract and move in. This will help your body gain a stronger immune system and help you recover quicker. Yogurt also contains calcium that help to keep your bones healthy and helps improve the absorbs ion of nutrients
Garlic yes this smelly herb will help you gain muscle it has almost no protein, carbs or fat. The key to its magic it can change your hormones by a large amount. Well in animal research the animals that consumed garlic with proteins showed higher levels of testosterone so just chop it in your meals.
Pasta is required for building muscle mass it contains a lot of carbohydrates to fuel your body in its muscle building efforts. Carbs increase the efficiency of the proteins you get. If you have no carbs your protein won’t work correctly. Carbs change your protein metabolism by speeding up the road to your muscles to boost muscle growth. One cup of pasta contains the minimum amount of carbs per a hard gaining meal.45grams per a meal
Believe it or not white bread is the perfect food right after you train. White bread contains fast digesting carbs that will higher your glycogen levels and it will boost your insulin to promote muscle growth.
Well that’s my muscle feeding food list good luck
To get the greatest muscle building programs on the net today please visit to learn how to grow muscle fast. Remember there is no quick over night hype products that give results over night muscles will grow only with hard work and dedication. Educating yourself in this subject is the best bet to the body you want.
About the Author:Chris Sham visit the site with the highest reviewed muscle building product on the net today. visit this program includes a full muscle building eating plan.
Article Source: - top 5 muscle stacking foods, eat big meals and get big muscles fast
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
suggestions to grow muscle fast,learn how to grow lean muscle mass
1) To make your muscles grow you need a surplus of calories. Your intake of calories has to exceed your caloric expenditure. It is a rule that has to be followed. No matter how perfect your workout schedule is, if you do not follow this rule, you will fail. Count your calories!
2) Eat the right calories from the best muscle building food sources. The quality of the calories you eat is just as important as the total number od calories. Not all calories are the same. The three main food groups you should focus are:
High Quality Protein - Protein repairs and builds muscle tissue and is the most important nutrient if you goal is to make your muscles grow. For example: lean red meat, fish, poultry, eggs, skim milk, cottage cheese, natural peanut butter and whey.
High Fiber, Natural Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates help to absorb proteins and provide the energy you need to do your workouts. Carbs are your body[ number one source of energy. Stick to high fiber, unrefined carbs like oatmeal, yams, potatoes, fresh fruits, brown rice and whole grain products.
Healthy, Unsaturated Fats - Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) are highly beneficial to the muscle growth process by improving the metabolism, increasing testosterone levels and volumizing the muscle cells. You can get EFA[ from seeds, nuts, fish, avocados and liquids like flaxseed oil.
3) Keep a record of your workouts. Progression makes your muscles grow and you can make progress when you know exactly what you did in the past. You break down your muscle fibers by training with weights and your body reacts to this stimulus by rebuilding the damaged fibers stronger and larger.
If you want this process to happen then focus on progressing in the gym from week to week. You can either increase the amount of weight on a specific exercise or increase the number of reps performed on a specific exercise. Adding weight is the best method, so use that as much as you can. If you keep a accurate record you know exactly if you are making progress, if you are not making progress you are not building muscle.
Bodybuilding Revealed is a complete blue print to muscle building success. Everything you need to know about diet & muscle building nutrition, over 50 bodybuilding supplements reviewed, weight training routines, high intensity cardio, the mental edge, pre made muscle building diets and an online private members forum, diet planner, meal planner and much more. Check out my review of Bodybuilding Revealed:
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Monday, June 1, 2009
How To Achieve A Ripped, Muscle Physique Through Bodybuilding Training
It is the muscles in their volume density and their strength that act as the measuring straw of success in body building. When all is said and done, a successful program is that which delivers mass progressively from stage to stage until perfection is attained at the end of a program. The popular talks about symmetry, about shape and about muscle definition are all subtitles within the endeavor to attain muscle mass. In the final very analysis, it is the muscle mass that remains as the defining element of a body builder’s physique.
And that is why, a body builder’s sole intent ought to be achieving muscle mass through the procedure and program best suited to his or her body. Different routes lead to the same arena and it pays when a body builder defies stereotypical approaches and conjures up the optimal approach those tallies in more mass within the shortest time possible. A mass accumulation equation that is designed to win usually has 3 components namely, dieting, intensive training and supplementation. These three are the basics, as simple as that, not as most body building experts make it alike to rocket science. However the success accrued in the body of an individual body builder varies due to different tricks used to arrive at a good ratio of the three basics.
Instead of doing everything conventional, a body builder will better build upon his or her muscle mass using an individually determined route, that has the three basics factored in personalized ways for optimal results.
One such way is progressive hardcore training that perpetually trains the body and keeps it at the maximal growth point. Forget the brakes, the go slows and the absconds termed as beneficial in most contemporally body building circles. Muscle stimulation is a requirement before growth can occur. So why go for breaks or sabbaticals as they call them. Train, train and when you have trained for months on end, train even harder. Simple, clear and precise. Keep in the gym, let the body remain on the growth path, never deviate or put a hold on the growth.
Secondly, endeavor to create a positive balance in nitrogen. Maximal muscle mass accrues from having the body in a balanced nitrogen state as much as is humanly possible. Anabolism is your friend, maintain him, pack the proteins in the diet, keep nitrogen in the system despite continued excretion. Eat as much as the weight you want to gain in complex carbohydrates, proteins and minerals.
Then rest. Body building exercises no matter how intense don’t result to muscle gains, in fact, they waste muscle, break them down and exhaust them. It is when a body builder is sleeping that growth on muscles occurs. The stimulation harnessed in the weight room gains results while resting.
Finally, seek for and implement the most appropriate supplements that can help augment any nutritional requirement in your body that is not fully met by the normal diet. Supplements help achieve the perfect state for muscle mass accumulation and they should never be taken for granted. And when all these are done, yours is going to be a different route, but one hat successfully brings you to the body building platform of winners. You never know, you might find yourself the best when you get there.
About the Author:Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.
Article Source: - How To Achieve A Ripped, Muscle Physique Through Bodybuilding Training
Bodybuilding To Achieve Total Body Transformation
This article is tailor made for those people who are serious about achieving vast progress in the body transformation. If you are not serious about transforming your body then this article was not meant for you. You can transform your body using the steps below;
1. You need to first make a conscious decision about changing
There are so many people who claim that they want to change and despite this they still remain looking the same at the end of the year. What this people fail to understand is that in order to realize complete change you have to first make a conscious decision. There is no other way you can be able to change if you have not made a conscious decision.
If you decide to change and yet you are not willing to make the first move and take the appropriate action then what you are doing is only wishful thinking.
2. Find a good reason
The reason why many people are not able to stick to there plan to change is because they do not have a good reason. When you have a good enough reason this will fuel your soul with desire and passion to change and it will be very difficult for anyone or even any situation to change your mind. This does not only happen in the process of transforming your body but also in the day to day activities of your life. You need to find a reason of doing something, otherwise you will never be able to achieve what you set out to achieve in he first place. I for instance managed to get a college degree despite the fact that no one in my family had one. The reason why I had to get that degree is because I wanted to be able to put food on the table for my future family and that was a good reason enough to inspire me to go for that degree.
When it came to transforming my body my main reason was that being overweight I realized that many things and opportunities were passing me by and I knew the only way to take back control of my life was by losing weight through bodybuilding. If I did it so can you.
3. See yourself achieving that body transformation.
If your goal is to lose weight or simply to gain weight you need to first see yourself before you can be able to achieve it. The best way to do this is to go for a photo shoot each month after you begin your training, and try to work your way as to how you would like to look by the end of your training. You can not imagine the way you would look at the end of your training if you do not have the ability to visualize with your mind. Therefore when it comes to transforming your body the power of visualization is a very important tool.
About the Author:Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.
Article Source: - Using Bodybuilding To Achieve Total Body Transformation
The Basic Secrets for Fast Muscle Gain
The Basic Secrets for Fast Muscle Gain
Author: Jason StormThere are many things we can do to have our muscles to grow as fast as we want them to. Some people may find that it is harder than they thought and usually it is a reason for that. You basically have to know some tricks that will make your muscle building much easier and more efficient and you will be surprised instead on how fast you are bulking up.
So what are the secrets?
First of all, train your mind. This may seem a bit weird to some but I promise you, if your mind is not focused on muscle gain you will become sloppy and start to miss out on doing your training properly. Remind yourself over and over again what your goal is and keep your focus on that. Imagine how good it will feel to have the body you have dreamed of etc. If you are not interested in bulking up, then what's the point? Make sure it is something you do because you want to do it, make it fun. You will start to include more and more things into your lifestyle that will be of great aid when you are to gain muscles. Alright then, so you are focused and motivated, you know what you want.
What then is the fastest way to success from here? Now you have to have a good training technique to get the most out of the hours spent in the gym. Make sure you train with intensity. No use to spend long hours at the gym - you are better off spending 30-45 minutes each time and work out hard this time. The fewer reps the better in general if you are after big muscles. After you have done a set of 6-8 reps you should not be able to make another one, this is how heavy the weights should be to maximize the results.
Another important aspect that you want to bring to your lifestyle is to eat properly. If you don't have the right building blocks for your muscles they won't be able to grow. Eat food that are high in protein, a good idea is to add a few protein shakes to your diet each day. You also want to increase the amount of calories you eat every day and with a few extra protein shakes to your daily diet, this will be taken care of easily.
Last and also important is to sleep properly every night. Make sure you get a good amount of sleep, 7-8 hours at least. This is the time when your muscles grow the most and if you make sure you have a good rest you make it easier for the body to do its thing and repair and build up the muscle tissue in your body.
About the Author:Jason has been a successful natural bodybuilder for many years. To learn more about the best training techniques and diet tips for fast natural muscle gain, visit and find all the information you need to get the body you want.
Article Source: - The Basic Secrets for Fast Muscle Gain
Tips To Build Muscles Fast
So you want to build muscles fast? So you can just simply join a gym, lift weights regularly and after a few short months, you should be able to build enough muscle mass to take part in your neighborhood bodybuilding contest?
If it is that simple, then why is it that most people in the gym do not seem to gain much muscle even after years of weight lifting?
Well, things are not as simple as it seem or otherwise, personal trainers and muscle building books will have already gone the way of the dinosaurs, extinction.
Here below are some basic building muscle mass tips and of course, these are just tips and are not comprehensive:-
a) Eat And Eat - To build muscles, you must eat and then eat again. You must consume more calories than you burn them. After all you are adding mass to your body and where do those mass come from if you have insufficient calories to build them?
However, try to choose good calories such as protein and complex carbohydrate. Calories from fats and alcohol do not count.
2) Up Protein Consumption - Proteins are muscle builders. You must make sure that you consume enough protein. You should consume about one gram of protein per pound of your body weight everyday if you want to build muscle mass fast. If you don't get enough protein, your muscles won't grow since you are not feeding them.
3) Health Supplements - Many people erroneously think that they do not need to take supplement to build muscles or supplements are not good for health. Hey, health supplements are food for your body and if chosen correctly, they can help you to build muscles faster.
For those of you who think that supplements are harmful chemicals, then why are they called health supplements instead of drugs?
For instance, some your protein sources come from eating meat. However, too much meat can cause complications such as most meats contain saturated fat which can clog your heart and arteries. So instead of eating too much meat, you can take protein supplements to get your protein.
Also take multivitamins for anti-oxidant protection and to aid faster recovery.
4) Lift Weights - This is a bit of a misnomer. If you want to gain muscle mass fast, you must not only lift weights, you must lift heavy weights and lift them through compound exercises.
Compound exercises like deadlift and squats work many muscle parts at the same time, that means you work almost your entire musculature instead of a single muscle group like say, dumbbell bicep curls.
However, the correct lifting technique and form of lifting is very important so as to prevent injuries and make your training more effective.
5) Lift Free Weights - Use free weights like dumbells and barbells to recruit more muscle stabilizing and therefore more muscle fibers can be worked on. The more muscles you work on, the bigger they will become.
6) Get Enough Sleep And Rest - Have rest days in between your workout days and do not work the same muscle group more than twice a week. This is because your muscles need to recover from your workout to grow. More is not better in this game.
You should also get more than 8 hours of sleep if possible. Contrary to popular belief, your muscle grow when you sleep, not in the gym.
If you practice the above routine consistently, you will strat building muscles fast. Of course there are many more things you will need to know to build muscle mass effectively, but the above tips should get you along the road.
Chris Chew is a personal trainer and author of "Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast". Check out his websites Be a fitness personal trainer and Lose fat build muscles.
Article Source: - Tips To Build Muscles Fast
Building Muscle for the Hardgainer
Hard gainers have it rough in the sport of bodybuilding. We find it terribly difficult to pack on the pounds like our mesomorphic friends. But building muscle, even for the hard gainer, is easy if you know how.
Think of your bodybuilding lifestyle as a barstool: It's got three legs. If one leg is missing or is longer or shorter than the other two, you've got problems. The same goes for muscle-building.
The three components of your regimen are your weight training routines, your meal plans (including proper supplementation), and your relaxation and recovery programs.
Shortchange any one of these three parts and you're in for little to zero gains. You may even lose weight if you're not careful.
In brief, I'll lay out the conceptual framework for the three prongs.
You need to train infrequently, at most 3 times per week, with each body part getting no more than 2 workouts per week. This is how I do it: Legs and arms on day A, torso on day B. Each day is separated by at least one day and you alternate day A and day B. Something like this: Monday -- day A, Wednesday -- day B, Friday -- day A, then the following week you do Monday -- day B, Wednesday -- day A, Friday -- day B.
Continue alternating like this for up to 8 weeks. Let your body be your guide.
This may sound like an easy exercise plan. It's not!
It's designed to work hand-in-hand with your Rest and Recovery portion of the program. You see, most hard gainers follow conventional advice as espoused by professional bodybuilders, who are genetically gifted, may be taking steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs, and whose sole job is to bodybuild.
Most of us aren't like professional bodybuilders in any way, shape, or form.
Reducing the workout frequency will give you the rest and recovery time necessary to explode your muscle growth. However, you must lift using High Intensity Training (HIT) techniques. Go heavy, do 6-10 reps for the upper body and 10-15 reps for your legs, with as much weight as possible (the last two reps should be killers). Use cheating, forced reps, and negatives to add even more intensity. Use super sets and pre-exhaust techniques to further up the ante.
You have to consume more calories than you expend. Follow a high protein, moderate to low carb diet. Don't worry about fat. Eat plenty of eggs (4-8 a day, I'm not kidding), dairy, and beef. Chicken and fish are also great sources of protein.
In fact, if you just concentrate on getting 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, using the food sources above, you'll be on the right track.
Supplement with high-quality protein powders, growth-hormone-inducing amino acids like arginine and ornithine, and dessicated liver tablets. Also ensure you're laying a sound nutritional foundation by ingesting a mega-pak or two per day of a vitamin/mineral supplement (you can buy them in 30-packs at GNC).
Eat frequently, up to eight times per day: Three "squares" with snacks in between. On workout days, take in 20-30 grams of protein before and after your weight training.
Rest and Relaxation
Get 8-10 hours of sleep every night and use a set schedule for going to sleep and waking up. Nothing is more important than this for this prong of your training program.
If you can do it, take naps after your workouts. You grow when you sleep. A 30-minute nap is better than nothing. On your off-days, try to do something that's relaxing, like reading, surfing the internet, or fishing. Something that sets your mind at ease. Many hard gainers who have success have found that meditation is helpful. Yoga works, too. It's NOT easy, but in a very strange way, it's grueling and relaxing at the same time.
There you have it. Three equal but different prongs for building muscle and gaining weight. Best of luck to you!
Don't forget to check out and Hard Gainer's Manifesto for more helpful tips and training techniques for building muscle, gaining weight, and packing on the mass.
I've been bodybuilding since I was 12. I am a hardgainer. I found out the secret to building quality muscle. Let me share with you my findings.
Article Source: - Building Muscle for the Hardgainer
Muscle Building Nutrition 101
Correct muscle building nutrition and a quality muscle building diet are often the most neglected parts of a weight training program.
Building muscle requires the right nutrition. Make no mistake, it's an essential part of weight lifting and if you want to build muscle, you have to get it done. Bottom line -- if you want to build muscle, you need to consume quality calories.
How many calories?
You need to consume more total calories in your muscle building diet than your body uses each day. It's important to understand that the human body is constantly working, using and storing energy day and night.
It's also very important to understand that in order to keep the machine rolling, you need to know what and how much to feed it. This is the single most important element in the muscle building process.
You need to feed your body a correct balance of calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat. Complete muscle building nutrition is the key. If you can find this key, your muscle building efforts will sky rocket.
Complete muscle building nutrition leads to optimal nutrition and optimal results. Over supplementation of certain nutrients will lead to imbalances in overall nutrition and is damaging to your weight lifting diet and health.
It is very important that you understand the importance of nutrition when building muscle. Without good nutrition and diet, your muscle gains will be non-existent and at best, poor.
As a muscle builder, it's important that you get your muscle building nutrition down to a science. Your success is dependent on a well-balanced and complete diet that includes your optimal nutritional intake.
Poor dietary habits will hinder your progress and may eventually lead to injury to muscles and bones because they are not supplied with the nutrients needed to support the added stress of weight lifting.
What builds muscle?
Protein builds muscle. Without an adequate supply of protein, your body will not support any kind of muscle growth. If you supply your body with the optimum amount of protein, you ensure optimal growth; it's as simple as that.
After all, you want to build muscle and to do that, you need a steady supply of high quality protein. You must include an optimal amount of protein in your muscle building diet in order to build and sustain muscle growth.
So how much protein should you include in your muscle building nutrition for maximum performance and muscle gain? Each of us has very different body types and the amount of protein will differ from individual to individual.
Protein intake will also depend on the amount of activity involved and how frequently you do it.
Your muscle building diet should be comprised of 30% to 40% protein, or about 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. You will have to do a bit of experimenting at the beginning to find out your optimal protein intake.
What fuels muscle?
If you want to build muscle, you're going to have to take in a lot of quality, complex carbohydrates. No question about it. You are going to have to fuel your body to handle heavy weight lifting.
You must include an optimal amount of carbohydrates in your muscle building nutrition program in order to fuel heavy weight lifting sessions.
Carbohydrates are a very important source of fuel for the muscles as well as the leading source of energy for your body. When you have a hard workout, your body draws on carbohydrates, which is stored as glycogen in the muscles.
Glycogen is the product of glucose, which comes from the breakdown of carbohydrates after the digestion of food. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscle.
During a long intense muscle building session, you can easily deplete your glycogen reserves. When your muscles cannot get enough glycogen, fatigue sets in and your body begins to lose endurance and performance drastically reduces.
However, there is a way to delay the onset of muscle fatigue. By taking enough carbohydrates each day in your muscle building diet, you are ensuring that the amount of glycogen stored in the muscles is being constantly replenished.
Every meal must have sufficient carbohydrates to sustain your hard intense workouts It is suggested that your muscle building diet consist of 40% carbohydrates. If you want to build muscle, you need quality carbs every meal.
If you don't consume enough quality carbohydrates, your body will resort to other fuel sources such as protein.
Protein is a second rate energy source. Protein's primary job is to build muscle, not fuel it. Therefore, keep your body filled with grade A fuel to support and maximize your hard, intense muscle building workouts.
If you use the tips written above in making your own personal muscle building nutrition, you'll be a lot healthier and you'll succeed in having the rock-hard body you've always wanted.
But this can happen only by having good muscle building nutrition.
About the Author:
Trainer and fitness expert Shawn Lebrun shows you, step by step, how to build muscle, lose fat, and get your best body ever in 2006. Learn how to build muscle and lose fat
Article Source: - Muscle Building Nutrition 101
Body Building Workouts - How to Choose an Effective One
In order for body building workouts to give the desired results the basics need to be understood. This may sound obvious but there are many people who do not grasp the basic concepts of a good workout routine, in turn this means they fail to get adequate results. The first basic principle which should always be carefully planned out is the nutritional plan that goes along with body building workouts. Around 80% of results rely on nutrition. This means that you can lift weights for hours, but if your diet is not planned out correctly you will only see 20% muscle gain.
Another basic fact to keep in mind is that following professional workouts will not get you good results. This is due to the fact that most of us are not gifted with their muscle building genetics, or their limitless quantities of muscle enhancing drugs. Quite simply it is nearly impossible for the average guy to get even close to the same results as a professional bodybuilder with their workouts. It is best to just stay away from those types of workouts, there are better alternatives. Lastly when looking for a workout or when creating your own, keep it in the forty five to sixty minute range. Testosterone levels which greatly help with muscle gains start to decrease after an hour meaning the benefits of longer body building workouts are minimal.
Did you find these tips useful? Find out even more about top rated muscle building workouts by clicking here!
Join thousands of bodybuilders who are making quick and massive progress toward a better physique by reading our workouts review!
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How to Gain Muscle by Eating Right
First things first, if you want muscle mass, you have to give your body what it needs to make muscle, which is protein. The body uses protein to build muscles. You should try to focus on lean proteins that just give your body the healthy part it needs, without the fat that can come with many proteins. Look for beans, lean meats, eggs and fish as your intake options.
While many people think that any meat is good to take in while trying to gain muscle, that is not true. Fatty meats are going to give your body more work to do to process the parts it does not need. When fat goes into the body, it can clog things up and slow things down. While your body is trying to process and remove fat, it can slow down the rest of its work.
Instead of just a few meals a day, try to up your meal intake. 5-6 healthy smaller meals through the day means your body will have everything it needs to build the muscles you want. Also, make sure you are getting coverage from all of the food groups so your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs to thrive. Fruits and vegetables, milk and whole grains are vital.
Water is vital for the body to build muscle mass. If your body doesn't have the water it needs, it will not be able to clear out toxins and conduct all the operations it needs to build muscle mass quickly and easily.
It is practically impossible to gain muscle without the proper guidance... Read my personal story of how I gained over 20 pounds of solid muscle in just 10 weeks: Build Muscle Quickly
Jay Steeley is an Ezine Expert Author™ in the fields of muscle building, weight loss and nutrition. He is also an avid writer and frequently guest writes for the ® Review Companion.
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Skinny to Muscle – The Importance of Rest & Recovery
With all the hype over diets, heavy lifting, muscle isolation and supplements it is very difficult to know what precisely to do in order to go from skinny to muscle. Most of the information itself contradicts and confuses, especially when a person has difficulty in building muscles in the first place. One of the most important, yet most forgotten parts of the process is the rest and recovery period that it takes in order for the body to rebuild muscles that have been broken down during the workout process. While it seems strange, sleep and time for the muscles to replenish is the only way that they will truly grow into the muscle mass that most desire.
Lifting weights is not only about straining the muscle, but it is also about making the muscle grow back stronger than before. This happens because as an individual lifts heavy weights the muscle begins breaking down and developing tiny little tears throughout. The pain that is felt is caused by the body’s realization that the muscle is injured and therefore begins preparing to rebuild it. As with any other tear there is a small amount of scar tissue that rebuilds and allows the muscle to become bigger and stronger. Those mighty body builders that have bulging muscles are the results of heavy weights, rest and rebuilding periods, over and over again.
Just like when you’re sick, your body needs rest in order to rebuild those muscles. There are special growth hormones and other chemicals that are released during the rest period allowing for the muscles to replenish, re-grow and become massive. It is important after heavy workouts that the body has this rest period not only from lifting weights, but also through adequate sleep. Not allowing the body this time can actually hinder the muscles ability to repair properly, therefore setting back the whole body building plan.
Getting 8 hours of sleep per night will help with this and also allow enough energy for the next workout session. Adjusting time away from weight lifting should also be based on how intense the last workout was. Heavy weights and an intense workout would require more time away and rest than a lighter workout. Understanding that the body needs this recovery time and how important it truly is to building muscle mass should be in every body builders plan. Going from skinny to muscle must be well thought in order to work appropriately.
While this can be helpful, skinny guys build muscle very differently than other body types so if you want to know the 4 most important things a skinny hard gainer should know to make sure they go from weedy to ripped in just a few months then click below to find out more.
About the Author:Free e-report on the top 20 mistakes you can make that will ruin your muscle growth chances.
Article Source: - Skinny to Muscle – The Importance of Rest & Recovery
Why Am I Not Getting Bigger?
Why am I not getting bigger? is one of the most common question from bodybuilders around the world. After all you are training hard, following a good muscle building diet, yet your gains are still minimal. The sense of frustration after all of the months of effort is tremendous and can be really demotivating. So what is the answer? Well, there are a few likely causes, see if any of these ring a bell with you:
1) Are you eating enough? For some hard gainers you may just as well insert the words 'under eaters'. As this really is a massive cause of lack of muscle mass. In bodybuilding the key to weight gain is eating, lots and often! Eating every two hours is a good guideline and will enable you to take on board as many calories as possible. Make sure you snack lots on food such as: dried fruit and nuts, yoghurt, cottage cheese, cereal and milk, protein bars, fresh fruit, and protein shakes, etc
2) Are you getting enough protein? To build maximum muscle mass you should aim for 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily. Great sources of protein include: chicken, fish, turkey as well as dairy products. Eat everything don't worry so much about eating low fat products, that will make it harder to get all the calories you need in order to bulk up. Sure you need quality calories but make your life easier and eat everything, remember you can go through a cutting up stage in a few months time. Taking whey protein shakes is another great way to get on board quality protein, purchase the big 5 pound tubs to get the most for your money.
3) Have your routines gone stale? If you can reel off your routine from the top of your head then that probably means you have been doing the same for thing for quite a while now. If you are not provoking your body to grow in new and different ways then it simply is not going to grow. How about mixing things up with, super sets, drop sets, partials, 21s, aided lifts and negatives. You can even just reverse the order of your routine and see what difference that makes, how about 10 sets of 10 reps to failure on just one major exercise such as the bench press (get ready to be sore!) or just give yourself a week off from training to allow your body to fully recover. As you can see there are endless variations, make sure you use them.
4) Are you resting enough? When was the last time you saw someone go into the gym pump iron and then walk out half a stone heavier? Never. So, clearly your muscles don't grow when your pumping iron, they grow when you are resting. If you do not get enough rest than you are limiting the time available for your muscles to grow. If anything you want to give yourself extra time to grow not less. Try dropping to working a muscle group just once a week. Also reducing the number of sets per body part, how about a maximum of 3-5 really intense sets per body part per workout. Think that is not enough, try it and watch the results!
5) Are you drinking enough water? If you are skimping on the water then you really are limiting your progress. Your muscles need copious amounts of water in order to grow. Carry a bottle with you in the car and never stop drinking from it.
So the original question: 'Why am I not getting bigger?' as you can see, has more than one answer. Answer the above questions honestly and make the necessary adjustments. If you are not satisfying just one of the above criteria then you have found the reason why you are not growing. If there are more than one of these points that your bodybuilding lifestyle does not meet then urgent change is required. Of course there are heaps of other reasons why you might not be growing but the above are the usual culprits. Now go hit the gym and gain some weight!
About the Author:The Author has many years experience in the fitness industry and provides free muscle building guides, articles, tips reviews and more at his website. Discover how to transform your body by clicking: how to build muscle or why am I not getting bigger? now to start transforming your physique today.
Article Source: - Why Am I Not Getting Bigger?
wonderful advantages of squats
Muscle building is an aspiration for many people around the globe. Muscle building is effective only when followed by proper techniques and efficient strategies. Muscle building will certainly become easier if you tend to chase an effective plan. Muscle building is not just lifting weights. You can never have strong muscles if you do not build stamina. The success of a workout can be known only when it helps you to build stamina. Squats are one of the most effective exercises that help to build muscles besides providing your muscles with a strong stamina. Let know some of the healthiest benefits of squats. Squat is such a supreme exercise that tends to focus on many muscle groups and you will feel fully relaxed. The squat is a full body exercise and it focuses on legs, abs, lower back, upper back and the arms. Squats give you hips flexibility. This hip flexibility will help you to remain smart and no excessive mass will gather around your buttocks. Squats are wonderful in building the muscles. You can use your desired weights. The more weight you will lift, the more muscle mass will be build. The weights help to increase stress. This increased stress becomes a cause of a certain hormonal response that formulates for increased muscle mass. Squats help to strengthen your legs. The more strengthened will be your legs, the more vibrant you will be in everyday routines. Squats will offer knee stability. You will be able to maintain a balance and control on your body. Therefore strengthened knees will certainly add liveliness in your walking posture. The stronger knees will help you to run after the happiness's of life. Knees are really vital in improving your overall muscle health.About the Author:
Thomas spends most of his time running his Fitness and Muscles website where he helps people with their weight loss program and fitness weight training in order to help them achieve their physical goals.
Article Source: - 6 wonderful advantages of squats
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Grow muscle in the quickest way possible.

If you trying to grow muscle in the quickest way possible it requires hard work and a good routine with some experience I will share with you. You have been working hard in the gym day after day watching everybody else grow except you. Most people never grow the muscle which they want in this article I will explain how to achieve this. IL shows you the best ways to grow muscle fast all over your body. Your body can do amazing this it can adapt to anything you throw at it. We can use this ability to our advantage to grow muscle at rapid rates.
Train your legs will give you the correct build up to the complete body. To grow like a champion you need to give your body the tools to build its self the correct nutrition is one of the main key points to growing muscle fast. The goal to grow muscle is to tear it up. When weight training chooses a correct weight that can put the proper load on your muscles. If there is too little stress you will have too little results, too much stress can harm you and dapper your results. So choose a challenging weight.
The proper number of sets to grow muscle faster I will suggest you do sets of 5 to 7 on large muscle groups like your chest and do lower sets on the smaller groups of muscle, sets from 2 to 4. For most exercises do 5 to 7 this will do best to put on muscle mass fast? The lower legs and abdominal muscles are different so you would go for sets of 7 to 12. Train with heavy weights that can or will limit your reps.
Rmember it is totally important to work the total body. Havnt you ever seen somebody that doesn’t train the lower part of their body and has a huge top half. If you don t train your legs it retards the upper body because when you train your legs your body releases more hormones that is the key part to grow muscles fast.
I hope my article has helped you to grow muscle fast. If you really want to grow fast visit my site and get your hands on the full ultimate muscle building program. This program is the hottest most sought out product on the web today no joke. If you serious about growing muscle I highly recommended you check it out at
Grow muscle fast, with a champion

Vince Del Monte greatest national fitness model the world has ever seen, if you have not heard of him you are slow or live in cave in Kazakhstan. Well let me you tell you about this highly achieved man. Vincent was a skinny little guy like most skinny people he was a runner, then turned endurance athlete.
He got given the name “Skinny Vinny” so he had this impression that he had no friendly muscle genes So Vince ”skinny vinny” was going about life as normal with his keep skinny guy training suddenly then he got bitten in the ass by life, a tragic event. This unknown tragic event gave him the inspiration that drove him to decide to work harder on his muscle gaining system. All this resulted in Vince “Skinny Vince” transforming into “super hero like built Vince” this amazing man gained 41 lbs of throbbing pumped rock hard muscle in less than six months. This transformation leads Mr Del Monte to be featured all over the internet as well as international fitness magazines, Maximum Fitness .
These days Mr Del Monte owns and runs his own training department with 20 full time muscle building coaches and is the highest demanded trainer in the area. His god like physique got him to the world national fitness modelling championship just a few years ago and in his 3rd show ever, become the world fitness model champion. This highly recommended trainer currently writes for the biggest bodybuilding and fitness magazines known today and is responsible for many great mass builds by many happy muscular people that highly recommend his no nonsense muscle building program.
No nonsense building was designed out of his personal muscle gaining success stories now it’s the internet’s most highly sought out product of its kind. This program is highly reviewed and the only program you will find endorsed by the internet’s most reputable muscle building and fitness experts. This program can be found at No Nonsense muscle building program has received dozens of unsolicited success stories from people and spectacular before and after photos from real users that wanted to thank him. This program isn’t this rubbish you can get everywhere they all just try to get you to buy supplements, remember this is a drug free programs drugs are for lazys losers, who want to rent their water retaining muscles, when they can grow them for free. Mr Vince has been to here long enough prove his program, his personal success, the expert endorsements and the real people success prove to back up these claims. See these before and after photos at his site and get his program today.